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BRX Pro Tip: Simpler is Better
BRX Pro Tip: Simpler is Better
Stone Payton : [00:00:00] Welcome to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, I know sometimes we can kind of get buried in our own perception of the value and the process of what we’re doing. But the truth of the matter is, I mean, in most cases, simpler really is better, isn’t it?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:20] Yeah, 100%. I think that we should be spending more and more of our time simplifying the language we use, simplifying the processes we have, simplifying the requests we ask of other people. Simpler always is more persuasive and effective than anything complicated.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:36] As humans in today’s world, we’re just bombarded with messaging and requests and people are always asking something of us. So, anything that is simpler and is clear and is uncomplicated, that makes it just more effective when it comes to persuasion and getting people to do the things you want them to do.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:57] So, really invest some time, if you can, to uncomplicate your marketing materials, simplify your operational processes, clarify any type of words or language that you’re using that isn’t as clear as it can be. Complicated rarely works as well as simple, and just focus on simplifying and you’ll see that that’s going to pay off in the long run.
BRX Pro Tip: Some People Are Always Waiting
BRX Pro Tip: Some People Are Always Waiting
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, I’ve seen a lot in the last, what, 15, 20 years of doing this work at Business RadioX. But one of the things that I’ve seen over and over, I mean, some people, it seems like they’re just always waiting.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:20] Yeah. There are a lot of people that are always waiting for something to happen before they can do the thing that they know they should be doing right now. You know, how many people have we talked to that says, “Like, I’m going to invest in a radio show when I get a couple more clients,” or, “I’m going to do marketing when I get a couple more clients,” which ironically is doing the show and doing the marketing is supposed to help you get more clients. But they’re afraid that they’re not going to get the ROI, that it’s not going to work. So, they hesitate and they do nothing and they just keep the status quo.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:56] And then, the ones that are successful truly understand that they will get the most ROI when they invest in themselves. And the reason you get more ROI when you invest in yourself is because you can control how that investment is used. It’s not something that you just set it and forget it. By investing in yourself, you have a lot of control over the outcome because you can do more. You can make one more call. You can send out one more piece of content.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:30] But if you continually choose not to invest in yourself, it’s probably because you’re afraid of something. And usually, you’re afraid that if you do everything and it doesn’t work, that somehow that you failed. And that’s what holds people back is that fear of failing and they’d rather fail of not having tried because in the back of their head they go, “Oh. Well, it would have worked if I would have done A, B, or C.” So, they’re afraid to do A, B, or C to really test the thesis if they’re good enough to get the success they dream of. And this is their hedge in case it doesn’t work out. And, what happens is that typically it’s holding them back and they never get the outcome they desire because their fear is holding them back.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:30] So, my recommendation is be bold, take action, invest in yourself, and just enjoy the journey. I mean, it may not – the outcome may not be what you think it is, but it’s going to be a journey worth going on.
Concept Sessions: Go Vertical, Deep and Niche
Pricing Strategy for a New Studio
BRX Pro Tip: Ways to Nurture People Most Important to Your Clients
BRX Pro Tip: Ways to Nurture People Most Important to Your Clients
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, so much of our business is focused on serving the client’s client. What are some ways to nurture the people who are most important to our client?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:18] Yeah. This is an area a lot of people kind of forget about because they’re like, “Oh, I’ve got to get a client.” So once you get a client, you’ve got the clients, and then you’ve got to think of how you can serve them. And the best way to serve them is to serve the people that are most important to them. So in our world, that’s that client’s client.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:37] So, how do you help your client? You, number one, help them get another client. If you can help them get clients, they’re never going to get rid of you because nobody on their team is working. That’s what their whole business is about; it’s getting more clients. So if you, as a service provider, are able to help them get actual clients, they’re going to be as happy as can be. They’ll never get rid of you. So, remember, regularly connect your clients with people in your network that will help them get them as a client or refer them to be a client.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:11] Another way you can serve your client’s client is help them get attention. What could you be doing to help them get attention for their show, for their business? Can you send out a press release that announces their show or something great that they’ve done? Can you share their shows on your social media? Can you be spreading the word about the good work that they’re doing?
Lee Kantor: [00:01:31] Another way that you can help nurture the people most important to your clients is help them build community around with their clients. I mean, we have show hosts that do luncheons and dinners and events where they bring all of the former guests together and help them meet each other. Is there – can you do that? Can you help your client build an email database of their guests, their fans, the PR folks that are serving them, their listeners? If you can help them do that, you become indispensable.
Lee Kantor: [00:02:01] So, if you spend some time each week in helping your clients connect with the people in their network that’s going to benefit them, you are going to benefit in the long term. They’re going to be a long-term client and they’re not going to get rid of you. They’re not going to price check you. If you’re serving them in all these ways, you will become indispensable.
BRX Pro Tip: When Launching, Cast a Wide Net
BRX Pro Tip: When Launching, Cast a Wide Net
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] And we are back with Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, a lot of things to consider when launching a business, a show, a studio, but our council is when launching cast a wide net.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:15] Yeah. I think at the beginning of any venture, it’s a lot better to kind of go wide until you’re really clear that you understand the marketplace and you really understand, you know, who your people are, and by going wide, this will help you find your people faster. I know a lot of our businesses go into a niche and really serve the niche and go deep in that niche, and I believe that to be true 100%.
Stone Payton: [00:00:43] But when you’re just starting out, I think there’s a benefit to spend, invest some time in going wide and cast a wide net, be everybody’s friend, be the place that, you know, that you can serve, or at least meet lots of people. And then, as you start meeting these people, they know you exist, they know what you do, they know why you do it, then you can start narrowing down into the niche and find the groups of people that you can serve.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:12] But at the beginning, if you can start doing a lot of shows with a lot of different types of guests and you’re quickly establishing yourself in your community and helping everybody spread the word, they can see that you are truly that voice of business for the entire community, not just a handful of people.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:29] And then, as you meet more and more people, you’re slowly able to find your people. Those are the people that believe what you believe, that they want to financially support your mission because they get it. Because they understand that by helping you, they’ll going to be able to help lots of other people. And that if you can help them get the outcome they desire, then everyone’s going to benefit.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:52] And, remember, the thing that you’re going to be good at, and especially at Business RadioX, is you’re going to help them get more clients. You’re going to help them get more attention. You’re going to help them get more status or recognition. But if you start wide and then hone in on your bull’s eye area, your ideal client, over time, you’re going to be able to better position yourself as that true voice of business in the community that you serve.