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BRX Pro Tip: How to be a Mega Connector
BRX Pro Tip: How to be a Mega Connector
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, I’d like to invest a moment, if we could, talking about the idea of a mega connector, and every bit is important, how to become a mega connector?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:15] Yeah. I think being a mega connector is kind of a mindset shift. And it’s one of the benefits that the Business RadioX Studio partners have when they are serving a community. It’s because we get to meet and connect with so many people in the business ecosystem. And we’re friends and we have relationships with a very diverse group of folks.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:40] So, the way to leverage being a mega connector in our system, one of the ways is, I would make an effort to connect with the folks in academia. Now, that might seem counterintuitive because usually they’re not going to pay you any money and they’re not going to make money from them directly. But it will establish yourself as having resources that are very valuable to people who will pay you money.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:06] If you have a Rolodex filled with academic experts, those people are great people to know and they can provide lots of value to your for-profit businesses that you know. Because if you can connect them and the research that those academic experts have can benefit these for-profit businesses and you help make that happen, you become a very valuable resource because, now, if you can plug yourself into a university system, you will know a bunch of people doing interesting research. And most business people in their normal business world aren’t aware of that.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:44] So, if you want to really kind of plug into that niche, I would recommend reaching out to universities, find the department that you want to serve, and start inviting some of the professors on the shows to talk about the research. And then, once you start seeing that, then you can match them and connect them with clients or prospective clients that you’ve met with in the past.