Workplace MVP LIVE from RISKWORLD 2022: Dov Gardin, Regeneron
Live from the R3 Continuum booth at RISKWORLD 2022, Dov Gardin, Head of Global Resilience at Regeneron, joined Jamie Gassmann to share his work at Regeneron, the focus of his presentation in the Thought Leader Theater, and more.
Workplace MVP is underwritten and presented by R3 Continuum and produced by the Minneapolis-St.Paul Studio of Business RadioX®.
This show was originally broadcast live from the 2022 RISKWORLD Conference held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
Dov Gardin, Head of Global Resilience, Regeneron

Dov is currently leading the risk and resiliency program at Regeneron where he is developing, building, and running a global resiliency program.
He is an award-winning resiliency professional with 15+ years experience building and managing corporate resiliency programs including threat intelligence, crisis management, business continuity, risk management, resiliency planning, and security planning.
Past clients include several Fortune 500 firms.
Regeneron (NASDAQ: REGN) is a leading biotechnology company that invents life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases. Founded and led for nearly 35 years by physician-scientists, their unique ability to repeatedly and consistently translate science into medicine has led to nine FDA-approved treatments and numerous product candidates in development, nearly all of which were homegrown in our laboratories.
Their medicines and pipeline are designed to help patients with eye diseases, allergic and inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, pain, hematologic diseases, infectious diseases, and rare diseases.
About Workplace MVP
Every day, around the world, organizations of all sizes face disruptive events and situations. Within those workplaces are everyday heroes in human resources, risk management, security, business continuity, and the C-suite. They don’t call themselves heroes though. On the contrary, they simply show up every day, laboring for the well-being of employees in their care, readying the workplace for and planning responses to disruption. This show, Workplace MVP, confers on these heroes the designation they deserve, Workplace MVP (Most Valuable Professionals), and gives them the forum to tell their story. As you hear their experiences, you will learn first-hand, real-life approaches to readying the workplace, responses to crisis situations, and overcoming challenges of disruption. Visit our show archive here.
Workplace MVP Host Jamie Gassmann

In addition to serving as the host to the Workplace MVP podcast, Jamie Gassmann is the Director of Marketing at R3 Continuum (R3c). Collectively, she has more than fourteen years of marketing experience. Across her tenure, she has experience working in and with various industries including banking, real estate, retail, crisis management, insurance, business continuity, and more. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mass Communications with special interest in Advertising and Public Relations and a Master of Business Administration from Paseka School of Business, Minnesota State University.
R3 Continuum
R3 Continuum is a global leader in workplace behavioral health and security solutions. R3c helps ensure the psychological and physical safety of organizations and their people in today’s ever-changing and often unpredictable world. Through their continuum of tailored solutions, including evaluations, crisis response, executive optimization, protective services, and more, they help organizations maintain and cultivate a workplace of wellbeing so that their people can thrive. Learn more about R3c at
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Intro: [00:00:02] Broadcasting live from Riskworld 2022 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, it’s time for Workplace MVP. Brought to you by R3 Continuum, a global leader in helping workplaces thrive during disruptive times. Now, here’s your host.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:21] Hi, everyone. Jamie Gassmann here, your host of Workplace MVP, broadcasting from Riskworld 2022’s Expo Hall in R3 Continuum’s booth. And with me, I have Dov Gardin from Regeneron. Welcome to the show.
Dov Gardin: [00:00:37] Thank you. Thank you, Jamie. Happy to be here.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:39] And tell me a little bit about what Regeneron does.
Dov Gardin: [00:00:43] Sure. Yeah. Regeneron is a pharmaceutical company. We’re probably most known these days for producing REGEN-COV, which is a therapy for severe COVID cases. And so, we’ve been providing that probably, about, the last-year-and-a-half and continue to provide it to patients in need.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:01:05] Wonderful. And so, what is your role at the company? What do you do?
Dov Gardin: [00:01:09] Sure. Yeah. I’m responsible for Global Business Resilience. And so, that really stretches across all the components related to continuity of operations, from how we detect events into risk management, crisis management, incident management in a business recovery, disaster recovery. So, it really runs the gamut of everything we do to make sure that we’re as prepared as possible for disruptive events. And when they do inevitably happen, as we all know they do, that we’re responding appropriately and minimizing impact on the business.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:01:41] Yeah. Wonderful. So, obviously, over the last year or a couple of years now, I guess, what did that look like for you in your role?
Dov Gardin: [00:01:49] So, that’s kind of an interesting question. Actually, I’ve only been with Regeneron for about a year. So, I had the opportunity to see three companies through COVID. Because I was at Allergan, which is a different pharmaceutical company, best known as the makers of Botox and other medical aesthetics products. So, I had been there for about four or five years and put the team together to manage COVID. And in the middle of that process, Allergan was acquired by AbbVie, so I spent a year at AbbVie as part of the transition. And then, moved out of AbbVie into Regeneron where I am now.
Dov Gardin: [00:02:29] So, yeah, really interesting. Three pharmaceutical companies in two years. I want to say, two of those transitions, I didn’t meet my boss at all, which is crazy. I mean, I did virtually, but not in-person. AbbVie, I never was at the site. A huge global pharmaceutical company, third largest right now. So, yeah, really kind of interesting experience to see the different yet related challenges that all three companies went through. And I’m actually speaking about that later today.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:02:58] Interesting. So, speaking of you speaking, talk to me a little bit about that presentation. What is it titled? And the content of it, like, what are you going to be talking about?
Dov Gardin: [00:03:09] Sure. Yeah. So, we’ll be in the Thought Leader Theater, and the focus is really when work from home is not an option with a focus on pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. And it’s really, you know, heavily focused on the surprises that we encountered when trying to manage through this very unique, very globally disruptive event, things that surprised us as prepared as you think you are, what didn’t work well and why. And then, also, we’ll present a couple of things that you can do to overcome or avoid the kinds of surprises that we saw.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:03:50] Yeah. Amazing. Would you say that some of the things you might be talking about, is it applicable to other maybe disruptions, too, or is it strictly just more around the pandemic?
Dov Gardin: [00:04:00] Yeah. It is. So, the lessons learned are really very much about how to prepare for and manage a crisis in general, any kind of crisis. And I mean, you know, when you think about disruptive events, you guys, R3, work with companies supporting how you get through disruption. There are always challenges and surprises. You know, business as usual is simple. It doesn’t mean it’s not hard. It means that we know what we’re doing. We know how the business is supposed to operate.
Dov Gardin: [00:04:30] But once you’re confronted with a chaotic, stressful, disruptive situation, a lot of what you had planned for, a lot of the ways of working used to go out the window. And so, a lot of what we’re going to be talking about in that session that we’ll be providing is, yes, it’s using COVID as sort of context, but there are lessons that should be applied in any disruption.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:04:52] Yeah. Because, you know, it’s inevitable that a disruption is going to happen. So, having a preparedness plan, knowing how you’re going to respond to it, how you’re going to support your people, all of those things matter, especially when you get into that moment.
Dov Gardin: [00:05:05] Yeah. And how leadership teams make decisions and come together to focus on the right thing, and not based on their functional expertise, I think, is the most important. It’s interesting. A lot of it has to do with combatting cognitive bias, which is a common theme in risk. Of course, it’s probably one of the number one issues with objectively understanding risk. But that applies to disruptive situations, crises, et cetera, as well.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:05:34] Yeah. Very interesting. So, if there were three takeaways or three key points you want your audience to be left with when they walk away from your presentation, what would those be?
Dov Gardin: [00:05:42] That’s an excellent question. I think the first is to recognize that you’re not going to have all the answers. There are going to be surprises. Don’t go into it thinking, “Oh, yeah. We’ve been through pandemics before,” to use COVID as an example. “We’ve been through supply disruptions before.” There will likely be specifics of that event that you did not plan for or you couldn’t have planned for. And anticipate surprises, which is a little bit of a weird thing to say, but I think what it means is go into the situation with an open mind.
Dov Gardin: [00:06:16] Number two is, you need to apply an appropriate crisis management decision making framework, where you’ve got the right people in the room, so that’s number one. Number two, everyone agrees on what the problem is. What is the problem statement for the business? What are we focusing on? And then, once you have that, you can then get into solution-ing or coming up with your strategies. I think senior leaders, especially, like to make quick decisions, solve problems very quickly without maybe having the best understanding of the problem or having agreement across the leadership team and what the problem is. So, I’d say that’s number two.
Dov Gardin: [00:06:50] And I think number three is, be open to being flexible. That’s what really allows you to be resilient. And by resilient, I mean not just surviving, but thriving. Coming out of that event even stronger than you were before.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:04] Yeah. Great. It sounds like a great presentation. I’m sure the audience is really going to appreciate the content, and knowledge, and information you’re sharing.
Dov Gardin: [00:07:12] I hope so. And it’s ten feet away from this booth.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:15] I know. I know. It’s great.
Dov Gardin: [00:07:17] So, you can hold the mic up if you want to hear it.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:20] That’s wonderful. Well, it’s been an absolute pleasure to talk with you.
Dov Gardin: [00:07:24] Likewise. Thank you.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:24] So, if somebody wanted to get a hold of you and hear a little bit more, maybe ask you questions about your presentation or just connect, how would they do that?
Dov Gardin: [00:07:31] LinkedIn is the best way, so Dov, spelled D-O-V, Gardin, G-A-R-D-I-N. Just LinkedIn, mention that you heard the podcast. And I’m always happy to connect with people to talk and kind of share insights and experiences.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:48] Wonderful. It’s been such a pleasure to have you on the show. Good luck at your presentation.
Dov Gardin: [00:07:52] Thank you. Thank you.
Outro: [00:07:58] Thank you for joining us on Workplace MVP. R3 Continuum is a proud sponsor of this show, and is delighted to celebrate most valuable professionals who work diligently to secure safe workplaces where employees can thrive.