LIVE from RISKWORLD 2022: Claudia Schmiedhuber, EURAMI
At her first RISKWORLD conference, Claudia Schmiedhuber, Managing Director at EURAMI, joined Jamie Gassmann live in the R3 Continuum booth. Claudia shared why EURAMI decided to attend, what they do and who they serve, and more.
Workplace MVP is underwritten and presented by R3 Continuum and produced by the Minneapolis-St.Paul Studio of Business RadioX®.
This show was originally broadcast from the RIMS 2022 RISKWORLD Conference held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
Claudia Schmiedhuber, Managing Director, EURAMI

Founded in 1992 the European Aero-Medical Institute e.V. – commonly known as EURAMI – is a nonprofit organization, with its base in Cologne, Germany. EURAMI has established itself as an indicator for Excellence, Quality and Safety in Aero-Medical Transportation. Founded by the leading aeromedical providers in the world, it has since developed into a globally recognized institution with more than 50 accredited providers worldwide.
EURAMI strives to increase and promote the best patient care by creating and publishing standards in the field of Fixed Wing Air Ambulance, Rotary Wing Air Ambulance as well as Commercial Airline Medical Escort.
EURAMI’s membership consists of accredited providers, associated members as well as individual and corporate members who are supporting their mission and development.
About Workplace MVP
Every day, around the world, organizations of all sizes face disruptive events and situations. Within those workplaces are everyday heroes in human resources, risk management, security, business continuity, and the C-suite. They don’t call themselves heroes though. On the contrary, they simply show up every day, laboring for the well-being of employees in their care, readying the workplace for and planning responses to disruption. This show, Workplace MVP, confers on these heroes the designation they deserve, Workplace MVP (Most Valuable Professionals), and gives them the forum to tell their story. As you hear their experiences, you will learn first-hand, real-life approaches to readying the workplace, responses to crisis situations, and overcoming challenges of disruption. Visit our show archive here.
Workplace MVP Host Jamie Gassmann

In addition to serving as the host to the Workplace MVP podcast, Jamie Gassmann is the Director of Marketing at R3 Continuum (R3c). Collectively, she has more than fourteen years of marketing experience. Across her tenure, she has experience working in and with various industries including banking, real estate, retail, crisis management, insurance, business continuity, and more. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mass Communications with special interest in Advertising and Public Relations and a Master of Business Administration from Paseka School of Business, Minnesota State University.
R3 Continuum
R3 Continuum is a global leader in workplace behavioral health and security solutions. R3c helps ensure the psychological and physical safety of organizations and their people in today’s ever-changing and often unpredictable world. Through their continuum of tailored solutions, including evaluations, crisis response, executive optimization, protective services, and more, they help organizations maintain and cultivate a workplace of wellbeing so that their people can thrive. Learn more about R3c at
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Intro: [00:00:03] Broadcasting Live from RISKWORLD 2022 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. It’s time for workplace MVP brought to you by R3 Continuum, a global leader in helping workplaces thrive during disruptive times. Now, here’s your host.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:22] Hi, everyone. Your host Jamie Gassman here. And I am broadcasting from RISKWORLD 2022 in R3 Continuum’s booth, our show sponsor. And joining me is Claudia Schmiedhuber. Welcome to our show, Claudia.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:00:36] Thank you for having me.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:37] So, tell me, who are you with? What company are you with?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:00:41] So, I’m with EURAMI. We’re the European Aero-Medical Institute. And we’re actually based out of Cologne, Germany. So, a long way from here.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:48] Yeah, it’s a long way from here.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:00:50] It is, but we’re happy to be-
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:50] How long was the flight?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:00:51] Oh, it’s about like a 20-hour trip, but definitely worth it so far. So, I’m very happy to be here.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:00:57] Wonderful. And I know, you shared with me that this is your first time coming to a RIMS event.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:01:02] It is, it is. And it’s very exciting to be here. And has been really great. And yeah, I’m very happy that I took that long trip.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:01:09] Yeah. So, now, have you been attending a lot of different sessions and kind of experiencing some of those different, like, educational opportunities?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:01:17] Absolutely. I just joined the aviation session, which, for us, obviously, was a must go-to. And it was amazing and very, very interesting input and everything. And yeah, a lot of other good sessions on mental health. And I think it’s a good mixture. So, for me, meeting the people that I normally don’t meet because it’s the first time, and it’s not really the industry we normally operate in, combined with the educational factor, it’s just been amazing so far.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:01:41] Yeah. Any standouts that — I know you mentioned the aviation one and some mental health, but are there any particular, you know, takeaways or like a session you attended, and you’re like, “Oh, my gosh. That is — I’m going to bring that back and put that right into action”?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:01:54] To be honest, almost everything, because our industry is such a niche industry, the aero medical industry that we operate in. And I know that the risk management industry, it’s actually something that I think we have a lot of synergies with, but we haven’t really been in contact so far. So, for me — and that’s also the reason why I wanted to attend RIMS for the first time is really to find out where we connect, and what we have in common together, and where the synergies lie.
So, it’s been really great. And I already briefed our board and said, “You know, this is really worth attending. And we’ll definitely try to get more involved for the next time, and then bring our industry and what we do,” which I think is a very good part and very important part of risk management when it comes to your staff, your employees, and then your health and duties of care and everything. So, yeah, I’m bringing back a lot. And also a lot of good goodies, so.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:02:43] Oh, absolutely.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:02:44] We have alot-
Jamie Gassmann: [00:02:45] You can’t forget about the tchotchkes and swag on the table, right?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:02:48] Oh, perfect. Yeah. They’re amazing.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:02:49] Awesome. I hope you brought a separate suitcase. So, I’ve seen some people grab a lot of stuff in the past.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:02:54] Actually, I think I have to get another one because there’s a really good stuff here.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:02:58] Goodness.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:02:58] Yeah, definitely.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:02:58] That’s fantastic. So, let’s spend a little bit of time talking about what your organization does. I know you’re seeing a really nice kind of connection with RIMS. So, can you tell me a little bit about what your organization does?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:03:11] So, EURAMI or the European Aero-Medical Institute is basically a global accreditation organization for aeromedical transportation, which includes rotary wing, fixed wing and commercial airline medical escorts. So, we are the guys that bring you back when you’re injured, or sick, or needs transportation, needs support getting home from abroad, either when you’re on vacation or on a business trip, or when you’re simply an expatriate or for whatever reason when you’re not in your home country. So, our providers – and we have more than 55 all over the world – do support that and help people do that.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:03:49] Great. So, if I’m a customer of yours, and I’ve got an employee traveling to another country, talk me through kind of a scenario of when your services would be like most applicable and how that would benefit me.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:04:01] So, EURAMI itself, we do not operationally bring anyone back. We do accredit our members. So, then, those members are providers that are the operation part of that. What we do is basically assure that if you work with an EURAMI provider, if you use a EURAMI provider, you get excellence, you get quality, and you got the utmost patient care that you can have. So, if you are abroad or sick, you always or should always have travel insurance, for example or if I send my staff abroad, you have expatriate insurance.
So, the first thing to do would be to call that assistance company, that medical assistance company that works with your insurance company. And then, they start the process by, first of all, evaluating like, how sick is that person? How injured is the person? Is the quality on-site really good enough? Is it sufficient? Does it have to be transported to another hospital or does it have to be transported back? And that’s where we come into place.
So, basically, once the medical assistance company, which is also a big part of our industry, and our the clients or our providers says, “Okay, this person’s fit to fly. We need to bring them back because there’s not sufficient medical care,” our providers step into action, and they basically arrange everything from flight permits, landing permits, to making sure that you have the adequate medication on board, you have the equipment on board.
It’s really a flying ICU. So, you’re only allowed to have very highly qualified staff, doctors, nurses, paramedic. And then, they step into the aircraft and fly wherever you are all around the world where that’s far away or where that’s very close. And they bring you back safely, and make sure that even though you’re in a horrible situation, you feel cared for, and you feel supported and that we make the situation a little bit better as much as we can.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:05:48] Wow. Because, you know, that’s obviously so scary for somebody who’s-
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:05:52] Absolutely.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:05:53] … in a, you know, a foreign country-
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:05:56] Absolutely.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:05:56] … and not sure of what kind of health care they might have available. They know they need something. And to to know they’ve got that opportunity to have somebody there is fantastic.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:06:03] Absolutely. And I’ve worked as a flight paramedic myself. So, I started a few years back already. And really, it’s the most amazing feeling when you’re able to help someone, and you go there, and you really see grown-up men, and they just burst into tears when they see you because it’s such a stressful situation. You’re not only far away from home, but you’re suffering a horrible injury or, you know, sickness, and you don’t understand the language maybe, or just out of your comfort zone, and you’re not surrounded by your family and the support system you normally have. You don’t understand the medical system maybe there. And it’s really a very, very horrendous situation to be in. So, we’re really glad when we can help these people, and we can really support them, and we show them kindness and humanity, and make sure that we, as I said, make that horrible situation a little bit better.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:06:55] Yeah, that’s amazing. Well, I am so glad you joined us today, so we could hear about that. That’s one of the great things about coming to a show like this is to hear about services like what your organization helps to provide to carriers in helping to make sure they’ve got that access. So, that’s that’s fantastic.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:07:12] Absolutely. Well, thank you for having me.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:13] Yeah.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:07:13] It was a great pleasure.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:14] So, if somebody wanted to connect with you and kind of get a little bit more information or figure out how they could become a part of your group, how would they do that?
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:07:23] So, you can just Google us, EURAMI. So, this is just EURAMI just, or simply look up my name, Claudia Schmiedhuber, which is very hard to pronounce probably for all English speakers, and just connect with us. But we are a European Aero-Medical Institute, so you should find us. We’re quite tech-savvy already. So, not hard to miss.
Jamie Gassmann: [00:07:48] Yeah. Wonderful. Well, thank you again for joining us. It’s been great chatting.
Claudia Schmiedhuber: [00:07:51] Thank you so much. And look forward to seeing you soon. Yes.
Outro: [00:07:59] Thank you for joining us on Workplace MVP. R3 Continuum is a proud sponsor of this show. And is delighted to celebrate most valuable professionals who work diligently to secure safe workplaces where employees can thrive.