OM Duggal/Georgia Senior Living
OM Duggal is WRC’s local area joint venture partner. OM was a CEO of a major manufacturing plant in India before bringing his family to the U.S. His initial activities upon arriving in the country involved the Georgia-based development of two properties and a small residential community. OM was also an owner in Clark Construction Services, Inc. based in Evans, GA. OM and his associates originated the Towne Club Duluth development opportunity and continue to be instrumental in providing support to the project, specifically in permitting, entitlements, and ongoing construction oversight and communications within the greater Duluth area.
Jennifer Rusz/Sterling Rose Consulting Corp

About “Strategic Insights Radio”:
“Strategic Insights Radio” is intended to be an interactive radio show hosted by Sterling Rose Consulting Corp. Listeners can Tweet their questions for a live response on the radio to @sterling_rose1 or via @strategicradio. Also, suggestions on business topics that listeners would like to learn more about are welcome. Please send suggestions to info@sterlingroseconsultingcorp.com.