Landel Hobbs/National 4-H Council
Chairman of National 4-H Council Board of Trustees
Landel Hobbs, founder and CEO, LCH Enterprises, LLC, Atlanta, GA, assumed his new leadership role as chairman of the National 4-H Council Board during last month’s Board meeting. Hobbs areas of expertise span the financial, telecommunications, media and entertainment industries. Prior to LCH Enterprises, Mr. Hobbs was the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer for Time Warner Cable as well as the Chief Accounting Officer for Turner Broadcasting Company.
He has served on Councils Board for more than five years and prior to his new leadership post chaired the Finance Committee.
Sarah Gibson/Cell Phone Pair Atlanta
Marketing & Sales Director
Sarah is the Marketing and Sales Director for CPR Atlanta. She runs around like a super hero making sure local companies and schools, picking up devices and cutting overhead costs. Cody is one of the CEOs of CPR Atlanta and is the creator of our service techniques, our top researcher, and the foundation of our business.