If you have children, you must listen to how pediatric vision therapy can have a dramatic effect. This show features Dr. Takeia Locke- Leef of Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta … all brought to you by HealthGate.
Vision skills are quite complex and seeing 20/20 is only one component of having great vision. Children who do not know what is “normal” may not discern a problem with vision; parents may not notice. In the U.S., one in ten children are at risk for undetected vision problems. Uncorrected vision problems in children may be a key reason why over 60% of students are identified as “problem learners.” Professional eye associations recommend first eye exams at 6 months of age, yet only 13% of parents report scheduling exams for their children before they reach 2 years of age. This broadcast on pediatric vision therapies serves to educate parents , educators, and the medical community about such orthoptic conditions as accommodative dysfunction, amplyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus and what can be done to correct vision issues to reduce symptoms (such as headache, double vision), improve learning and enhance quality of life.
Takeia Locke, Optometrist/Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta
An Atlantan optometrist specializing in treatment for family members but has a special interest in pediatric vision therapy, Dr. Takeia Locke is committed to making sure kids have a great start in life, given that 80% of a child’s learning initially comes from their visual sense. She knew at age 16 that she was going to dedicate her professional career to vision. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Health Management at Howard University. She then completed her Doctor of Optometry at Nova Southeast University specializing in primary care, pediatrics and vision therapy. Dr. Locke has published articles on autism, Dry Eye Disease and Glaucoma. She is also an InfantSEE provider (a public health program for infants).