Did you know that every nine seconds a woman is beaten in the United States? Or that people between the ages of 12 and 24 are at higher risk for sexual assault and rape? Do you know how to recognize the signs of domestic violence? And what do to help someone who’s been a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence?
Katha Blackwell/CEO, Partnership Against Domestic Violence
The mission of Partnership Against Domestic Violence is to end the crime of intimate partner violence and empower its survivors. Their vision is a community free of domestic violence.
To that end, they work to educate the public on the dynamics of intimate partner violence; promote healthy dating relationships among adolescents and teens to prevent future violence; offer safety and shelter for battered women and their children; restore power, self-sufficiency, and control to survivors; and create an effective and coordinated community response to intimate partner violence.
Lindsay Ferreira/Managing Director, Mosaic Georgia
Founded in 1986 as the Gwinnett Rape Crisis to provide support to victims through a crisis line and accompaniment through forensic medical exams (aka, “rape kit” exam), Mosaic Georgia is a “dual services” center with specialized services for children, teens, and adults. They provide free, confidential support and services to victims and survivors of rape, sexual assault, and child sexual molestation and abuse. They work with survivors of all genders regardless of when the violence occurred and whether they choose to report. Support to children and their non-offending caregivers are offered with care.
Host: Heather Loveridge/Magnolia Media Group
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