Chad Jones/View Point Health
View Point Health is a community behavioral health center utilizing a team of psychiatrists, nurses, licensed counselors and social workers, as well as other professionals, to provide services to individuals who need treatment and support to cope with mental illness, substance abuse, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. View Point Health serves uninsured, underinsured, low-income Medicaid, Medicare, war veterans, and some private insurance across multiple locations with a full continuum of behavioral health services and supports. The services provided by View Point Health contribute to the reduction in homelessness, reduction in crime and subsequent incarcerations, higher graduation rates, lower dropout rates, decreased ER visits, and decreased inpatient admissions.
Farley Barge/Navigate Recovery
Navigate Recovery Gwinnett is a Recovery Community Organization (RCO) committed to supporting individuals and families in recovery from addiction. Safe Harbor is an Addiction Recovery Support Center. Services are provided at no charge. Their mission is to serve individuals and families impacted by addiction, connecting them to the resources they need and removing barriers that prevent them from getting and staying well. Their vision is a community that treats addiction as a chronic condition and those who are affected with dignity and respect.
Host: Heather Loveridge/Magnolia Media Group
At the heart of marketing is great storytelling – and that’s what they do at Magnolia Media Group. Whether it’s through social media, e-newsletters, websites, brochures or complete marketing services, they help organizations tell their story.
Giving Back to Gwinnett is presented by: