Hollie Mann/Gainesville Physical Therapy
Gainesville Physical Therapy is not your typical physical therapy clinic. At GPT, every patient receives personalized attention during each visit with a hands-on treatment program that has been carefully tailored to their specific needs and physical condition.
Recovery from injury or surgery can be a difficult and trying process. They believe that the supportive relationship they establish with patients, combined with their expertise in the treatment of physical ailments and pain relief, is responsible for the extraordinary outcomes that they routinely see. The GPT facility is fully equipped to provide a comprehensive spectrum of treatment modalities for all orthopedic conditions to improve mobility, strength, balance and pain relief.
Bob Fletcher/Perfetta
The mission of Perfetta is to change the lives of their agents, clients, and customers by providing businesses with the best people, process and solutions to help them build long-term growth and success. They achieve this through:
• Focusing on the customers’ future first
• Embracing entrepreneurial thinking
• Developing the talents of their people
• Maintaining integrity and responsibility in all of their actions
They are committed to creating long-term value for their customers, employees, and the communities they serve. The Perfetta model is based on leveraging the latest technology, training and people to provide an outstanding customer experience for those who matter most: your customers.