Bob Fangmeyer, the Director of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), returns for this deep dive episode of “Leader Dialogue”.
Topics discussed include:
- Evolution of the Baldrige: This will include Bob’s background and stewardship of this national treasure.
- Comparative results: What the research demonstrates when comparing Baldrige National award winners to their peers regardless of economic environment.
- Performance Excellence Challenges in the Age of Consumerism: Understanding why customer loyalty is won on the battlefield of customer experience, and how to leverage the Baldrige performance excellence principles to accelerate short term gains, and hard-wire a cultural transformation, creating a sustainable competitive advantage.
Bob Fangmeyer/Baldrige Performance Excellence Program
Bob Fangmeyer joined the Baldrige Program in 1997 and after serving in numerous roles over the years was named Director in November 2013. Since then, Bob has been focused on expanding the reach and impact of Baldrige, providing new and improved products and services, ensuring efficient and effective operations, and planning for strategic capability and capacity needs. Bob has owned and managed small businesses and holds a master of business administration degree from the University of Maryland.
About SOAR Vision Group
The SOAR Vision Group mission is to: Align People with Purpose to Achieve Exceptional Results. SOAR provides best practice strategy execution, business process optimization services, and a structured organizational development approach for organizations to effectively implement the Baldrige Performance Excellence framework. For more information, contact SOAR Vision Group at (888) 294-3303 or visit soarvisiongroup.com.
About the Baldrige Foundation
The mission of the Baldrige Foundation is to ensure the long-term financial growth and viability of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, and to support organizational performance excellence in the United States and throughout the world. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is presented annually by the United States President to organizations that demonstrate quality and performance excellence. For more information, contact the Baldrige Foundation at (202) 559-9195 or visit baldrigefoundation.org.