Designed to be reflective of Gwinnett and metro Atlanta area, the Gwinnett Chamber IMPACT Regional Business Awards recognize leading organizations in top industries that are driving economic development and job creation, while enhancing our quality of life. This event is truly one of a kind as it brings together leaders from the AEC, higher education, healthcare, hospitality, information technology, international business, nonprofit, service, and small business industries.
This is the third of 3 special episodes featuring the 2019 IMPACT Regional Business Award winners and sponsors.
Doug Jenkins/Georgia Power – Service winner
Georgia Power is the largest subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), one of the nation’s largest generators of electricity. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company’s promise to 2.6 million customers in all but four of Georgia’s 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy at rates below the national average, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is consistently recognized by J.D. Power and Associates as an industry leader in customer satisfaction.
Bob Rodgers/Street Grace – Nonprofit winner
Street Grace is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to end demand for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) through prevention/protection, policy and pursuit.
Defined as a commercial transaction that involves the sexual exploitation of a child, such as a commercial sex act or child pornography, CSEC is the fastest growing criminal industry today. Research shows that the Underground Commercial Sex Economy (UCSE) is estimated to be a $290 million illegal industry in Georgia alone. The cost on a personal and societal level is staggering.
Street Grace’s vision is a world where all children are free from sexual exploitation. Since 2009, Street Grace has mobilized leaders of business, community, and faith to end the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children across the United States. Their purpose is to intervene before a child can be victimized by predatory practices. The ultimate goal is to prevent the devastating effects of CSEC in communities and bring transformation for all involved.
Maureen Paige/Winton Machine – Small Business winner
Established in 1997, Winton Machine Company has designed and manufactured over 100 different machines which bend, cut and shape metal tubing and semi-rigid coax cable. Over the past 22 years, Winton has remained true to its core value to continuously improve. Winton continues to innovate and improve their product line of automated solutions. By improving the speed, accuracy, and flexibility of its existing machines, our machinery adds value to our customers’ bottom line.
Winton’s machinery is installed at production plants throughout the United States and globally. Their customers use their Winton machines to make parts for their larger equipment and systems. Most notably, parts from Winton machines are used on the NASA Mars Exploration Rover with collaborative plans underway for the next generation rover project dubbed Mars 2020; the Raytheon Iron Dome Weapon System which is currently in use to help protect over 8 million people in Israel from incoming missiles and artillery; and in mass production of refrigerators being built on General Electric assembly lines.