Patricia Leonard, Speaker & Coach, Author of Hello, Self…(Nashville Business Radio, Episode 45)
Speaker and Coach Patricia Leonard talked with host John Ray about her unique approach to coaching and her new book, Hello, Self. She shared with John her belief that we are all more powerful than we realize to change our circumstances, and how she coaches her clients to find their true passion and pursue it. She talked also about how this theme plays out in Hello, Self…, remarkable stories of transformation from her coaching clients, and much more.
Nashville Business Radio is produced virtually from the Nashville studio of Business RadioX®.
Patricia Leonard & Associates
Patricia Leonard & Associates has a mission of expanding visions, building runways to success, and encouraging celebration. As a dream builder, Patricia is personally committed to helping you live your personal and professional life fully by identifying your passions, defining your talents, exploring possibilities, and awakening hope and inspiration within.
Patricia Leonard & Associates offers a full-service CAREER AND LIFE MANAGEMENT program beginning with process approaches for finding your authentic self, defining your vision and developing plans for implementation. Getting to your innermost dreams, desires and goals require knowing your WHY, WHAT and HOW!
Her company works with individuals, corporate and small business leaders, conference organizers, non-profit organizations, focus groups, academic and personal growth planners to craft a one-of-a-kind participatory experience focused on the client audience and their expected outcomes.
RUNWAY TO SUCCESS is an achievement-based organization focused on supporting groups and individuals who want to explore personal, professional, and organizational possibilities. They strive to motivate, encourage, and empower our clients. Patricia’s style is to build capability; not create dependency. Napoleon Hill said: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. This is a key operating philosophy of Patricia Leonard & Associates.
Company website | Runway To Success
Patricia Leonard, President, Patricia Leonard & Associates and Author of Hello, Self…

Patricia Leonard is a career and life management coach, inspiring clients to get their dreams and goals off that someday shelf and create a runway to success plan for turning their cants into cans, and their dreams into plans.”
Patricia Leonard is President of RUNWAY TO SUCCESS, a division of Patricia Leonard & Associates located in Nashville, TN. She is a MESSAGE ARTIST speaker, career and business coach, author and magazine columnist of a monthly column titled WISDOM AND ARTS. Patricia consults with clients on leadership, empowerment, career and life management, entrepreneurship and the power of language. Her work is focused on helping clients find their runway!
She has a professional background in management, human resources, corporate training, business consulting, small business startup and talent development. Patricia has worked with companies in the service, music, banking, manufacturing, publishing, warehousing, healthcare, academic, retail and financial industries; and taught management classes as an adjunct professor.
She has a degree in Human Resource Management, is MBTI qualified, and trained as a Career Coach and Consulting Hypnotist. Her volunteer energies are focused on Women in Film and Television-Nashville, where she is an Executive Board Vice President; Dress for Success on the Advisory Board; and International Coaching Federation-Nashville where she held Board roles for several years.
Patricia has authored the books Wearing High Heels in a Flip Flop World, Becoming Woman…A Journal of Personal Discovery, The NOW, HOW and WOW of Success, Happenings, a full-year calendar of inspirational messages and a spoken word album titled I Am… all available on her website here.
She enjoys songwriting, creating poetry and has written a one-woman show and artistic speech she performs titled, HELLO, SELF…, about a woman in midlife reinventing herself.
Her latest book titled “Hello, Self…”, based on her one-woman show, has just been published and is available on Amazon.
On the personal side, Patricia, describes herself as a woman, lover of life, mother, grandmother, career professional, and message artist and in that order! Her goal is to continue inspiring others, of any age, to START NOW creating and expanding their Runway to Success in their personal and professional lives. She believes that life is a gift, the way we wrap it is our choice.
Questions and Topics
- What is your story from a personal & professional aspect?
- What do you specifically offer clients as a coach, speaker, and author? What has been your market focus?
- What is significant about the state of our business and cultural transition we are facing?
- What are some titles of the books you have authored and what is a common theme running through them?
- What are some key messages you would offer those listening to this podcast today regarding career & life management fulfillment?
- Define your What, Define your Why, Define your How
- You are publishing a book in July 2022 titled: HELLO, SELF… What is the significance of that book’s content?
- What is your personal goal(s) for you own life and career legacy?
Nashville Business Radio is hosted by John Ray and produced virtually from the Nashville studio of Business RadioX®. You can find the full archive of shows by following this link. The show is available on all the major podcast apps, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Amazon, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, TuneIn, and others.