Mike Healy/AAA The Auto Club Group
The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the second largest American Automobile Association (AAA) club in North America. ACG and its affiliates provide membership, insurance, financial services and travel offerings to over 9 million members across eleven states and two U.S. territories including Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; most of Illinois and Minnesota; and a portion of Indiana. ACG belongs to the national AAA Federation with more than 57 million members in the United States and Canada, and whose mission includes protecting and advancing freedom of mobility and improving traffic safety. Motorists can map a route, identify gas prices, find discounts, book a hotel, and access AAA roadside assistance with the AAA Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android.
Peter Jundt/HR Value Partners
Formerly an executive in the construction industry, Peter Jundt has become a leading insurance and benefits agent in the Atlanta area. Licensed in multiple states, Peter helps businesses and individuals to understand and prepare for the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Representing HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Peter has access to the leading providers, technology and training to provide his clients with the highest level of service and expertise. Three years ago, Peter joined forces with Brad Foley – long time friend and Chief Value Partner of HR Value Partners – to broaden his portfolio of services. HR Value Partners helps businesses succeed by providing customized HR services. Whether the need is recruiting, retention, succession planning, organizational development, HR strategy, tactical support or any other HR need, HR Value Partners stands ready to partner with you. A sought out speaker, Peter has presented at various business events thought the midwest and southeast.
Geoff Banta/IKOR of Alpharetta
IKOR is a life care management company focused on maintaining or improving the quality of life for seniors or persons with disabilities. As life care managers, IKOR’s Advocates build a “Life Care Plan” based upon a client’s medical condition, financial needs, physical environment and emotional well-being. IKOR’s sole mission is to guide and assist their clients in achieving an optimal level of wellness. IKOR Advocates – which include Certified Senior Advisors, Registered Nurses and Financial Custodians – can coordinate all aspects of a client’s care using cost-effective services, whether such services are provided directly by IKOR or coordinated using other senior market specialists.