Jennifer Griffeth & Erin Thompson Podvin
Erin Thompson Podvin & Jennifer Griffeth/Family Connection-Communities in Schools of Athens
Established in 1920, the mission of Family Connection-Communities in Schools of Athens is to create, maintain and nurture a culturally diverse and collaborative community partnership that focuses on the whole family; surrounding students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Their team of passionate Site Coordinators and Neighborhood Leaders work hard to eliminate barriers to success by connecting children and families to resources that will help them thrive. They take a “boots on the ground” approach, working directly with children and families; while also leveraging firsthand knowledge of the issues facing individual communities. Their network of thought leaders, government officials, local and state experts, entrepreneurs, executives, nonprofit directors and others identify and implement programs and policies. At FC-CIS they believe in a more equitable community for all Athenians.
Our Community Partner for this episode of Northeast Georgia Business Radio is Bottom Line Tax Solutions. A giant thank you to Jacqueline and her team for their continued support. Bottom Line Tax Solutions specializes in the 3 “P’s” of income taxes: Tax Preparation, Tax Planning and Tax Problem Solving. Are you paying too much in taxes? You probably are! Bottom Line Tax Solutions saves their clients thousands in taxes each year; visit them today.