Robin Martinelli/Martinelli Investigations
Martinelli Investigations Inc. is a female owned, family operated business. Martinelli Investigations, Inc. handles all cases with the highest level of professionalism to all of their clients; which include attorneys, businesses and individuals. They have over 48 years of law enforcement and 10 years of military background combined. The Martinelli Investigations, Inc. team has a diverse blend of cultural backgrounds, including Spanish speaking Private detectives, both male and female.
Martinelli Investigations, Inc. has handled over 5,000 Private Investigation cases for Attorneys, Businesses and Individuals. They excel in their sophistication of capturing vital and crucial evidence. All clients receive comprehensive investigation notebooks, as well as a video compilation of their case. These notebooks and videos assist the lawyer, family, individual, business, courts and/or corporations immensely.
They also maintain a case management system that their clients can log in, at their convenience, to review the current and ongoing work in their case. This is especially beneficial for out of town clients, including families, corporations, lawyers and their staff. Clients can enjoy the ease and accessibility of reviewing their reports, pictures and video at their own convenience.