Carey Sipp/Revenue Revealed
Revenue Revealed are the revenue architects who help you be sure you’re not leaving money on the table. By analyzing your business, markets, positioning – all factors – they will find new ways to help you generate more revenue. For examples, watch “7 Core Ways to Add Revenue to Any Business” on their website at revenuerevealed.com and schedule a free 45-minute strategy session with them today.
Dr. Bill Lampton/Championship Communication
Through his company Championship Communication, Dr. Bill Lampton helps companies strengthen their communication strategies and tactics so they will improve their sales, customer service, teamwork, and management. Dr. Lampton also helps corporate leaders learn to speak confidently, clearly, and convincingly. His top-tier client list includes Gillette, Procter and Gamble, Duracell, University of Georgia Athletic Association, Missouri Bar, Ritz-Carlton Cancun and British Columbia Legal Management Association.