Harm Scheffer & Chris Abbey/Reliant Building Solutions
Reliant Building Solutions designs and executes engineered repairs for the structural components of buildings. RBS performs: Concrete Repairs and restoration (spalls, cracks, etc.); Barrier Cable repairs; Parking Garage repairs and restoration; Carbon Fiber strengthening; Epoxy crack injection; Steel and Concrete column repairs; Site concrete placement (curbs, gutters, equipment pads); Slab openings for stairs/escalators/elevators; Expansion joint replacement; Stair demolition and slab closures; Joint sealant and leak repairs; Waterproofing; Driveway and walkway repairs (Residential and Commercial).
Geoffrey Sperback/EnVision EES
Through EnVision EES‘s partners and company intel, they develop a strong customized plan for any corporation that is looking for a more leading edge approach. They are the leaders for those manufacturers who partner with them and a solution for those corporations who seek their services.