Brian Peart/Commercial Capital
Commercial Capital is a nationwide direct private money lender and provider of business loans, SBA loans, commercial investor loans and more. Their niche is getting loans approved that have been denied by banks or traditional lending sources for one reason or another. 100% of their closed loans were once denied by other banks or lenders and Commercial Capital got them done – usually at the same rate as they were getting at the bank that denied them. They do not charge to review any scenario and get approval in writing within 48 hours. They are the ONLY no risk option in commercial lending. They are a 20 year old company and have been doing commercial loans since 2000. Call Brian Peart directly at 770-908-1672.
Dawn Poplawski/PCC Innovative Solutions
PCC Innovative Solutions is a debt collections agency that supports all types of businesses dealing with commercial and consumer receivables. They don’t just collect on slow paying customers, their focus is in educating businesses on how to reduce bad debt and increase cash flow. Through free consultations and training workshops, businesses will learn what steps should be taken in order to protect their sales or revenue from becoming a collection issue.
Collection methods and training are all based on the Federal Debt Collections Practices Act (FTC) and Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) Title 7. In addition to education, PCCIS offers AR outsourcing, mediation and various litigation practices involving collections. If you are having any troubles collecting money, then check them out at www.pccis.com for more information and follow on LinkedIN at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/dawn-poplawski/30/292/38.
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