Dennis Sands/FirstCall Consulting
FirstCall Consulting helps companies using SAP and SAP Business One optimize in-house resources by offering them a broad range of SAP support services. They help customers focus on mission-critical issues and enable them to offload day-to-day operations. Their services are ideally suited to organizations that have deployed SAP and are looking to minimize ongoing maintenance and support costs, educate their staff, and identify process improvement opportunities. They support SAP’s full service R/3, ECC, and Business One systems.
Members of FirstCall Consulting’s management and support team average 17 years of SAP and 22 years of industry experience and are responsible for winning SAP’s coveted Customer Satisfaction Award five years in a row!
Greg Carter/Synergy Financial Partners
Synergy Financial Partners is an independent financial services company. They are dedicated to building an innovative movement in the areas of life insurance, living benefits, retirement planning and financial education. Built upon their visionary leader Jeff Huggins, they are changing the way Americans view and use the vehicle of life insurance to much more than just taking care of loved ones after one’s passing.