This episode of “Strategic Insights Radio” discusses the importance of understanding Return on Investment (ROI) applications as they pertain to the success of a business.
Dr. Jack J. Phillips/ROI Institute
Dr. Jack J. Phillips is Chairman of ROI Institute, the leading provider of services for measurement, evaluation, metrics, and analytics. Former Learning and Development Manager, HR Executive, and Bank President, Phillips provides consulting services for over half of the Fortune 100 companies and workshops for major conference providers worldwide. Author of the first book on training evaluation in the USA, Phillips has authored or edited more than 75 books. He is the developer of the ROI Methodology, the most used evaluation system in the world. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Fortune Magazine, and on CNN.
About “Strategic Insights Radio“:
“Strategic Insights Radio” is intended to be an interactive radio show hosted by Sterling Rose Consulting Corp. Listeners can Tweet their questions for a live response on the radio to @sterling_rose1 or via @strategicradio. Also, suggestions on business topics that listeners would like to learn more about are welcome. Please send suggestions to info@sterlingroseconsultingcorp.com.