BRX Pro Tip: Appreciate What You Have
Stone Payton : [00:00:00] Welcome back to Business RadioX Pro Tips. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you. Lee, this topic’s, I guess, it’s more around mindset or framing your reality, but there really is some wisdom in appreciating what you have, man.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:18] Yeah. A lot of times we feel like we’re on this hamster wheel and then we just are not making any progress. And it gets frustrating and you get burnt out and you’re kind of angry at the world and you get into – sometimes people get into depressions over this stuff. But it’s important to just periodically take a moment and just appreciate all that you have and that you’re – a lot of times you’re not really understanding the – you’re not giving yourself the perspective that it takes to understand all the stuff that you do have and just start appreciating.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:51] You know, if you start listing everything that you have, all of the good that you have, you know, from food on the table to having clean air, clean water, your family, all this stuff that you have, people that care for you, you realize you have plenty. And especially in America, we’re such an affluent country that we forget that we do have so much and that we don’t – you know, we see all these other people who have more, and we think that we’re falling behind that we’re not achieving enough.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:21] And then we moved the goalposts. You know, if you think back to when you were younger of what you wanted out of life and then what you have, you know, a lot of times you have more, way more than you could even imagine and wanted as a young person. And obviously, there’s always new mountains to climb. And you want to just, you know, obviously be the best you can be.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:43] But if you don’t appreciate the journey and your progress, you’re never going to be satisfied no matter what you’re doing in life. So, it’s important to just appreciate what you have, and life is hard enough so just start appreciating things.