BRX Pro Tip: Relationship Building Moments Transcript
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] And we are back with Business RadioX Studio Partner Pro Tips. Lee, I often talk about ROI, but let’s talk about RBM – relationship-building moments. What are some ways that we can orchestrate, create, craft, create the right environment for relationship-building moments for the guest of our clients?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:24] This is a very important part of our value proposition to our clients is to create these elegant non-salesy ways to either nurture existing relationships or cultivate brand-new ones. Some of the ways that our clients do this now are they do a pre-interview before the interview. When they do the ask, they email, or they contact the potential guest. They say, “Part of the deal is we’re going to set up a pre-interview, either meeting or a call, where we get to chat, and so we can let you know what’s going to happen when you get into the studio,” and to give them kind of some comfort and some understanding of what’s going to happen, but, ultimately, this is the beginning of building a relationship. So, they are getting to get to know this guest by educating them about what’s going to happen.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:11] Another thing is before the show begins, in the lobby, as they wait, that’s another chance to kind of allay any fears, get them some coffee, get them a drink, do let them know everything’s gonna be okay, go over their notes one last time. That’s another great relationship-building moment. Another one, obviously, is the show experience where they get to be interviewed. That’s obvious. Another one is after the show is getting together to discuss how to leverage the show. And maybe then, at that point, open up their mind to some ways where they can work together down the road.
Stone Payton: [00:01:44] And even if all of that doesn’t land immediately or move the ball as far as you might like in terms of selling product or service to that person, what I love about our platform and the way that we execute is you can come back 6 weeks later, 12 weeks later, have more relationship-building moments. And it could be as simple as, “Would you like to come back and get us updated on what you’ve been doing?” or “You did such a wonderful job. Do you know someone else in your extended network, Joe or Jill, that maybe we should also have on the show?”
Lee Kantor: [00:02:16] And then, don’t forget, there’s always the annual get-together with all the guests. That’s another kind of networking relationship-building moment where you can have a breakfast or a meal with all your past guests over the last year, so they can all kind of mingle amongst each other, and then you get to serve them again.