BRX Pro Tip: Client Turnover Transcript
Stone Payton: [00:00:02] Welcome back to BRX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor, Stone Payton here with you. Lee, let’s talk a little bit about client turnover. Predicting it, managing it, embracing it, I don’t know what the right verb is, but let’s talk about client turnover.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:17] Sure. Client turnover is a part of business. That’s just the way it is over time. You know, you kind of outgrow each other some of the time. Sometimes, you have clients for many, many years. You want to keep as many as you can, the ones you want, as long as you possibly can. And here are some things you can do to keep clients longer, things we like to do in here. One is to check in with them. You know, don’t just assume everything’s going good because they keep showing up for every episode.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:45] Check in, have a meeting, a debrief, make sure that things are going the way that they’re supposed to go. And then, try to nip some of the frustration in the bud, if you can. Another thing that’s really important to kind of limit turnover is to hold your clients accountable for their guest selection. If they’re bringing in their friends or their relatives or people who aren’t going to do business with them, then you got to hold them accountable and say, “What’s going on here?” You know, when we started, we said these people were on my dream list. Where are they? How come they’re not coming in here? Are you asking them if they’re not coming in or you’re not even asking them?”.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:23] And a lot of times, they’re not even asking them. And if you have to help them, you might have to intervene a little bit and then, get some of those people in there for them. But you have to really make sure that the right people are coming in the room because if the right people aren’t going to come in the room, then our platform is not going to work for them. Another thing you can do to keep a client is just appreciate them, give them recognition.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:46] We talked about this in a previous tip. You know, have a press release written that they’ve just done 20 episodes. Give them an award. Give them a trophy. You know, do something special to let them know that you appreciate them and you care. Put their picture on the wall. Do something that holds them up and celebrates their success. Another thing you can do that I think is so important that everybody should be doing regularly is make connections for your clients.
Lee Kantor: [00:02:12] Connect them with people you’re meeting in the studio. You’re getting to meet a real diverse crowd, share some of that connections back with your sponsors. Get them in front of people they would never get in front of. So, you can’t do that too much in my book. Introducing them to good guests is a great way to appreciate them and to really help them be successful, so they stick with you and you won’t have to deal with client turnover.