BRX Pro Tip: How Many Clients Do I Need?
Stone Payton: [00:00:00] And we are back with BRX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, simple question, but I think it’s good that we ask this of ourselves from time to time. How many clients do I need?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:13] In the professional service business or in our local market business, studio partner doesn’t need to have a thousand clients. They don’t need a hundred clients. They may not even need 50, 20 clients. I mean, they might get away with just having 10 clients. So, to be clear on the amount of clients you need is very, very important because you have a different strategy when you’re trying to get 10 clients as opposed to a thousand clients. So, when you only need a handful of clients, you don’t have to kind of waste your time with the vast majority of people who aren’t the right fit in terms of budget, in terms of attitude, philosophy, desire. You have the luxury of working with people who only want to work with you, who only want what you have to offer.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:03] Once you identify these handful of people, then you can serve the heck out of them. So, they stay around and refer their friends who might be or probably more likely to hire you because you’re working with somebody they already know. So, when you’re trying to get a handful of clients, you can do a really good job of choosing the people that are the exact right fit instead of just taking anybody. So, just remember, you’re not trying to get a thousand clients. You’re just trying to identify the few people that want what you have and that are a good fit.