Dan Williams and Allen Hoskyn work for separate organizations but have been partnering together over the past six years around community engagement and leadership development. They fundamentally believe that God is already at work in the community, people are the greatest asset within a community, and local leaders are the most effective and powerful change agents. Their partnership as well as the community that has developed around Impact 46 is based on shared values and increasingly shared outcomes rather than organizational affiliation or commitments.
Dan Williams/Sports Serve
Dan is the founder of Sports Serve, a non-profit organization dedicated to leadership development through sport. Sports Serve impacts families and communities by developing leaders among children and youth. It also serves as a catalyst, resource and partner for other community leaders and organizations committed to community transformation. Sport is a powerful vehicle for change.
Allen Hoskyn/FCS Ministries and Impact 46
Allen currently works as a community pastor for FCS Ministries with a focus on the city of Lawrenceville. He is in the process of launching a new non-profit that has emerged out of the work of Impact 46.
Impact 46 began six years ago as leaders from the six sectors of the community – church, nonprofit, business, government, school, and neighborhood – began to voice discontent and dissatisfaction for the city of Lawrenceville. Using the principles of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), community difference makers began to gather with the hopes of seeing individuals, families, neighborhoods, and the city transformed.