Welcome to our inaugural episode of “Women Under the Sun” and My Co-Host, Kim Adair…
Kristen Ulmer
Ulmer International
3734 thousand Oaks Circle,
Salt Lake, Ut 84124
Email: kristen@kristenulmer.com
SOCIAL MEDIA: Amazon | Facebook |
Kristen Ulmer is a thought leader on fear and anxiety who draws from her tenure as the most fearless woman – extreme skier in the world for 12 years. Kristen has been studying Zen for 16 years, and from facilitating thousands of clients on flow and peak performance.
Her book is called “The Art of Fear: Why Conquering Fear Won’t Work and What to Do Instead.” Kriston has radically challenged existing norms about what to do about fear.
Kristen facilitates and keynote speeches about fear and anxiety all over the world in fact some of your clients include Google, Citigroup, Olympic athletes, and the US Air Force.
More About Kristen Ulmer
Hall of Fame Class of 2018
Among men and women, Ulmer was a pioneer of extreme in the 1990s, one of the best big-mountain skiers ever. Just don’t call her “fearless.”
No other member of the Hall of Fame has such clear bookends to a career as Kristen Ulmer, the original female freeskiing icon who created a profession and persona that upended the all-male world order and inspired thousands of women to follow.
“I became famous in one day,” she recalls, recounting the story of persuading ski filmmaker Eric Perlman to allow her into one of his films; the frigid, overnight drive from her home in Salt Lake City to Squaw Valley in a heater-less car; the sleepless nap in the pre-dawn base area parking lot; and, finally, huddling above the famous Palisades cliff bands with a handful of testosterone-charged superstars ready to go big. She attempted and landed three huge backscratchers that January day in 1989, leading the other athletes to gush that they’d never seen a female skier do anything like it.
“By that evening, everyone at Squaw knew my name,” Ulmer says. “Within a week, everyone in the ski industry knew my name. Within a month, I was fully sponsored, and all four major American ski magazines had called to request an interview.”
Ulmer quickly realized she had the opportunity of a lifetime, with just the right personality, just the right look, and just the right “twisted relationship” with fear to pull it off. She also had a couple of secrets. Even though she would make the U.S. Freestyle Ski Team in moguls, she claims she wasn’t a very good skier yet, just extremely comfortable in the air. And she was unimpressed, actually kind of ticked off, with earning that label as the “best woman you’ve ever seen.” READ MORE …
Kim Adair
CMO and Founder
Women Under the Sun-AZ, LLC.
Kim moved to Tucson from Colorado to be near the work of some of the top cancer research in the world at Arizona Cancer Center. Aside from owning her own successful small businesses, she has 35 years of advertising and marketing background. Kim was a senior advertising executive for a popular Colorado magazine, creating several popular community leader print campaigns, along with her own cancer print campaigns.
“What made me successful in each of my ventures, was my ability to market my own businesses. I like to have fun. I think in the margins. I am always trying to think how I can turn an experience into something new and creative that will make people think”.
Kim likes to camp and canoe. Her favorite string instrument is the cello and aspires to learn to play someday. She would like to travel the world.
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