How much of the charitable planning should be tax-motivated and how much should be purpose-motivated? What is the difference between various forms of charitable giving? If you ever ask yourself these or similar questions, this episode of “Wealth Matters” – the radio show where we discuss the opportunities and challenges of preserving and managing wealth – is for you!
During this debut of “Wealth Matters”, attorneys Adam Gaslowitz and Craig Frankel interview Donna Barwick, Ty Tippett and Stephen Berman on the topic of charitable giving. The show is filled with important tips and hints of giving from both wealth management perspective and the perspective of effectively making a difference in the community.
Donna Barwick/Wilmington Trust Company
As a Senior Fiduciary Officer at Wilmington Trust Company, Donna brings to the table more than three decades of experience in trusts and estate planning. She previously served as a senior director in BNY Mellon’s Wealth Management group in Atlanta, specializing in wealth management and estate planning strategies for high-networth clients.
Donna shared that she gets to advise her clients not only how to give, but also what to give to. Donna recommends to utilize the Community Foundation in Atlanta as a great tool to find philanthropic organizations to support. Donna also started a great conversation during the show with this opinion: “If dollars don’t make a difference, donors will not stay engaged, so charities should let donors know how donations are used.
Phone: 404-760-2104
Email: dbarwick@wilmingtontrust.com
Ty Tippett/Shepherd Center Foundation
Ty Tippett is a fundraising professional who is an AV-rated attorney with more than 20 years of experience in the private practice of law and 6 1/2 years in wealth management with a large regional bank. Serving as the Senior Director, Planned Gifts at Shepherd Center Foundation, Ty has been placing a particular emphasis on wills, trusts and estates.
Ty’s advice to his clients who consider donating to the Shepherd Center Foundation, as he shared during the interview, is to learn more about the Center and get involved as a volunteer to see what difference each dollar makes within the community. He also revealed how he got involved with the Shepherd Center Foundation and how it became his “biggest blessing.”
Phone: 404-350-7308
Email: ty_tippett@shepherd.org
Stephen Berman/Stephen M. Berman and Associates
Founder and Managing Partner at Stephen M. Berman and Associates, Stephen has been a recognized expert and authority in tax strategy, including income tax, estate tax, charitable gift planning and business-related matters. His greatest asset is a creative approach to solving complex tax matters for high-networth individuals, corporate executives, families, LLCs, partnerships, trusts and estates.
Stephen shared with us that he recommends to his clients to “pick the passion with a need and find the right tools to make it happen.” Stephen said “if you don’t have a heart call to make a difference, don’t do charitable giving.” Listen the interview to find out why.
Phone: 404-262-2181
Email: sberman@bermanllc.com

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