With a nod to Barry Manilow and a twist to the title to one of his songs . . . We look at the difference an entrepreneur can make to one’s business by shifting focus, changing emphasis, realigning priorities, any combination of these. Andrea Rosenthal and Tricia Molloy have appeared on previous WHWN broadcasts. We have invited them to return to talk with us about what changes they have made over the many months since their previous appearances. What impact have those changes had? What have they learned about themselves and the marketing and growth of their businesses? What advice do they offer for others so that others can bring new energy and vitality to their businesses?
Tricia Molloy is a leadership speaker on change management and professional development through wise business practices. She wrote Working with Wisdom: 10 Universal Principles for Enlightened Entrepreneurs and the CRAVE Your Goals! and DESIGN Your Ideal Life!eBooks.
Andrea Rosenthal is a career management and business coach at Career Soul~utions, Inc. where she supports individuals in identifying their unique skills, passions, interests, and values. Those qualities are then matched with careers that contribute to meaningful work.