What thoughts, ideas, concerns, hopes and more go through the mind of a professional as he (or she) contemplates writing a book? How does a professional marshall all that mind buzz and find focus to write? On the other end of the process, what thoughts, ideas, concerns, hopes and more go through the mind of a professional as he (or she) contemplates the release and marketing of one’s new book? How does a professional marshall all that mind buzz and find focus for the marketing task ahead? Most folks think that writing a book requires a lot of labor. It can and often does. Then when the book is written and finally ready for market, new writers discover that writing is only 20% of the work involved in generating a successful book; effective marketing of the book requires 80% of the necessary effort for success. Justin Streeter, CPA, of Streeter-Riddle shares his thoughts as he begins writing a book which Justin intends to help increase client base for Streeter-Riddle. George Horrigan, CPA, President of Fountainhead Consulting Group talks about his newest book Thriving Businesses and how he approaches marketing the book and the anticipated impact the book will have on Fountainhead Consulting. And George will probably provide insights on his preparation, plans and work for his next book – Work Less, Make More and Have Fun in Your Business – scheduled for release in 2013.