Whether an author is fortunate to be published by a traditional publisher or elects to self publish, one factor is common: the author must fully engage in the marketing process. That comes as a surprise to most first time authors. Author Marcia Gaddis has teamed with Mimi Schroeder of Max Communications to effectively market Marcia’s book When God Comes Near: Waiting in the Miracle of His Presence. Part of their marketing included speaking with Write Here, Write Now host Tim Morrison while he engaged in a remote broadcast at the Decatur Book Festival. As the three engaged in conversation, Dr. Tim remembered having seen Marcia Gaddis at a writing conference earlier in the year and having had an extended phone conversation with Mimi Schroeder earlier in the year as well. Things you’ll learn from this broadcast: Why Marcia elected to make a book out of her journal entries written during her daughter’s battle with a terminal illness. How did Marcia find Mimi. Why Mimi agreed to market Marcia and her book. How having a public relations person benefits an author.